Although the term “personal
branding” might make you think me, me, me, putting yourself at the center of
the world, effective personal branding is about being visible, available, and
valuable to others.
By definition, every personal
branding is different. There are no two successful professionals who have
achieved the same success in the same way, but there are some traits that are
common to those who have strong brands.
I’m fortunate to have to spent the past one decade working with people
who have compelling brands that are worthy of remark. They are respected and acknowledged by their
colleagues, have fan clubs of people who want to support them and have built
careers that inspire envy among their peers.
Although they are in different roles in different industries and at
different levels in their organisation, they all have these seven attributes in
They know why they do what
they do. Most people focus on what they
do and how they do it. Strong personal
brands have that awareness too, and they connect those actions and that
differentiation to the reason behind those actions. British-American author, motivational
speaker, and organisational consultant “Simon Sinek” put it this way: “Because
a true sense of purpose is deeply emotional, it serves as a compass to guide us
to act in a way completely consistent with our values and beliefs.”
THEY ARE CONFIDENT. Confidence is the most attractive brand attribute. We are inspired by and attracted to those who
are comfortable in their own shoes. They
exude poise and a strong sense of self.
Confidence often comes from living their authentic brand-being willing
to be who they are without excuse or apology.
When they speak, we are willing to listen and are eager to believe
exactly what they say.
THEY DON’T WEAR BINDERS. They think beyond their role. Of
course, they commit to mastering the role they have and making a mark on the
organization, but they seek to be influential in other domains. This means they have a higher profile in the
company they work for, outside their vision or department, tapping in the power
of digital tools to help achieve this.
They’re involved in projects in other domains – connecting with people
throughout the company. They are also known
in their community of colleagues both inside and outside the organization and
they’re respected for their expertise and point of view. They’re engaged and involved.
THEY ARE GENEROUS. Although the term “personal branding”
might make you think “me, me, me,” putting yourself at the center of the world,
effective personal branding is about being visible, available, and valuable to
others. Strong personal brands are
generous with praise – acknowledging others regularly for their insights and
contributions, online and in person.
They are quick to share information, content and advice. They live in a world of abundance and are
ready to expend time and energy to support others.
THEY’RE LIFELONG LEARNERS. They know that I f they are not
learning and growing, they aren’t standing still, they are actually falling
behind. Their sense of curiosity compels
them to try new things. They take every
opportunity to learn both through day-to-day, on-the-job activities and through
more formal talent development programs.
THEY’RE AMBITIOUS. While over delivering what’s
required of them today, they are focused on the future. They are always aware
of or considering what’s next. Personal branding in authenticity, but there is
an aspirational element to it. You need to be who you are while positioning
yourself for the future. Strong personal brands demonstrate that they are not
only competent where they are, they’re ready and eager for their next big gig.
THEY’RE CURIOUS. They’re at least interested as
they are interesting. Their curiosity helps them to build stronger, more
authentic relationships with others, and it helps them stay fresh by always
discovering things and learning more about them. One of the reasons I especially enjoy writing
and is not just teaching; I’m learning from all the great follow-up questions I
receive afterward from my new connections in the audience. Their curiosity
inspires new content for future presentations.
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