USB cable gets stuck in boy’s penis - The Announcer



Friday, 13 July 2018

USB cable gets stuck in boy’s penis

A ‘curious ’ 13 -year -old boy has had a USB cable removed from his penis by doctors after he inserted it up his urethra and it knotted in his bladder.
The teenager , whose name was not revealed by Metro UK is said to have inserted the cable about 20 centimetres up his penis before realising he could not pull it out again . His parents took him to a local hospital in the county of Linkou in China’s north-eastern Heilongjiang province where medics applied lubrication in a bid to pull the cable out . But that proved unsuccessful and left him in intense pain, so he was transferred to another hospital the next day .
Doctor Xu Liyan, the facility ’ s resident urologist , said: “ He cut off one end of the cable and inserted it into his urethra .
“ The cable reached his bladder, where it tangled and ended up in a knot, so when he tried to pull it back out , it became stuck . ”
The medical practitioner said she had no choice but to operate on the boy , revealing that they had to cut into his bladder to find the knotted cable , snipped the tangled section and removed the remaining cord through his urethra the same way it went in .

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